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55 Examples Of ‘Chaotic Good’ Bringing Justice To The World Around Us (New Pics)

With mainstream media primarily highlighting unpleasant events worldwide, it’s always refreshing to hear about acts of kindness towards another human being. Sadly, these behaviors don’t get as much attention as they should. 

Thankfully, the Chaotic Good subreddit is changing that. This online group shares good intentions manifested through unorthodox methods, to say the least. 

Here, you’ll see people stealing to provide for someone who can’t afford groceries, passing gas alongside someone so they won’t feel embarrassed, and drunkenly painting a crosswalk on a dangerous street. 

Scroll through and have a few feel-good moments today. Hopefully, this list will show you that despite all the negativity, there is still some good in this world.

#1 What A Great Idea From Thier Parents!

Image credits: Rachel_Knight1

#2 It Cost Zero Dollars To Mind Your Own Business

Image credits: Pearl_Briggs

#3 I Love It When We Rise Up Together To Destroy The Patriarchy ✊

Image credits: Puzzleheaded_Pie_888

While it may sometimes feel like there is too much hate going around, kindness is an innate human trait. As University of Oxford researcher Dr. Oliver Scott Curry explained in an interview with CBS, it’s because “we are social animals.” 

University of London psychologist Anat Bardi provided some survey results to the publication. According to the findings, people valued benevolence or kindness the most, edging out hedonism, creativity, ambition, seeking power, and having an exciting life.

#4 A Very Effective Method Indeed

Image credits: EveryPassion8231

#5 Saving Students Money

Image credits: Miserable-End6563

#6 Civil Disobedience For The Greater Good

Image credits: @Insta_Gator1

Acts of kindness are also reasonably common, even if people don’t feel that way most of the time. In 2021, the BBC launched a “Kindness Test,” which more than 60,000 people from 144 countries joined, making it the world’s largest psychological study on the topic. 

Survey results showed that 16% of people had received an act of kindness within the hour prior. 43% claimed they had experienced it within the previous day.

#7 Stealing A Persons Dog So It Can Actually Live

Image credits: Michelle_Graves11

#8 Who’s Coming With Me?

Image credits: @alexhaagaard

#9 Sax Away The Hate

Image credits: Spray-Cluttered633

However, the Kindness Test revealed the barriers that hinder people from showing goodwill toward others. Some are apprehensive about the possibility of embarrassment or rejection. 

Personality may also play a role. The test revealed that the kindest people scored high on “agreeableness,” extroversion, and openness. This could mean that outgoing people are likely less concerned about rejection, making them more likely to buy a warm meal for someone in need, for example.

#10 He Didn’t Look For Any Profit, He Just Wanted To Save Lives! A True Hero!

Image credits: Margaret_Ferguson1

#11 Madlad Paints His House

Image credits: @MikeSington

#12 Candy Acid: Drag Queen, Dungeon Master, Orno-Enthusiast, Life Saver

Image credits: Loading3percent

Those who aren’t as automatically willing to commit an act of kindness are also likely plagued by “miscalibrated expectations.” Amit Kumar, an assistant professor at The University of Texas at Austin, conducted a study in 2022 where 75 out of 84 participants gave a cup of hot chocolate to a stranger. 

The research participants also underestimated the significance of their act, expecting the recipients’ moods to be an average of 2.7 out of 5. However, the recipients reported feeling much better, with a 3.5 out of 5 mood.

#13 Emotional Support

Image credits: gojiro0

#14 Saw This And Thought It Belonged Here

Image credits: sweeterthanwine75

#15 Chaotic Good Boy

Image credits: JohnDodger

Kumar believes that the participants weren’t fully aware of the impact their seemingly small acts of kindness had on the person. They also failed to realize that generosity can be contagious, and there’s a good chance for the receivers to pay it forward in the future. 

“The fact that you’re being nice to others adds a lot of value beyond whatever the thing is,” Kumar told Technology Networks.

#16 Tennessee Trans Woman Goes Topless For The Greater Good. I Thought This Belonged Here

Image credits: pale_scars

#17 With Great Ability, Comes Great Accountability

Image credits: @Goodable

#18 Old School Mad Lad

Image credits: Loading3percent

What makes an act of kindness more meaningful is that it comes from the heart, no matter how small. And you may not realize how helpful these gestures can be. 

One blood donation, for example, can help save up to three lives. Giving a random stranger a few genuine words of encouragement can help turn their day around in a massive way.

#19 The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic

Image credits: Alexander_Crowe

#20 For The Greater Good Of The Plants!

Image credits: @alexisthenedd

#21 Gotta Love Drunk Idiots Sometimes

Image credits: colfaxmachine

We’d also like to hear from you, readers. Have you done anything recently that may have seemed out of left field but was actually altruistic in nature? How did that turn out? Share your stories in the comments! 

#22 Beating Capitalists At Their Own Game

Image credits: rainbowarriorhere

#23 Elevated Wholesomeness: A Self-Quoted Perspective

Image credits: @asausagehastwo

#24 Cg Superintendent vs. Le Healthcare System

Image credits: RarelyBawdy

#25 Chad Dad

Image credits: @nitsohara

#26 Beautiful

Image credits: gaudiocomplex

#27 Good Job

Image credits: PyrotechFish

#28 What A Lovely Idea! I’d Say This Makes A Massive Difference To People Who Have Been Feeling Lonely

Image credits: Margaret_Ferguson1

#29 The Perfect Opportunity Presented Itself Yesterday

Image credits: adingo8urbaby

#30 Chaotic Firefolk

Image credits: paltrycoding

#31 Dismantling Gender Stereotypes, Chaotically

Image credits: AfraidPeter

#32 Banned Books Are The Best Reads

Image credits: PhoenixTin

#33 There Are Still Good People In This World

Image credits: @piranha732

#34 F**k The System

Image credits: Mackarious

#35 Lovely Idea!

Image credits: Ollie_Minnick

#36 Cc’d Everybody Up In Here

Image credits: @NoEmmeG

#37 Satisfying!!

Image credits: vanchica

#38 Hidden Shrine…

Image credits: ladykensington

#39 This Should Be Here

Image credits: RainyFormula

#40 Why Do The Older Generations Have This Mindset?

Image credits: @LezbollahMothra

#41 ”(– –) You Are Hereby Banished From The Homelands Of The Oglala Sioux Tribe!”

Image credits: Perkeleen_Kaljami

#42 F**k The Pointless Bud Light Hate

Image credits: Successful_Ad_8790

#43 Standing Up For An Older Fellow

"Recently went camping at a very busy RV park. Our camper didn't have a toilet or shower, so we were reliant on the bathroom on site. The first night we were there I met a super cool older fellow that had some stomach issues (who didn't have his own restroom either). He was frantically trying to get the door open, but the keypad entry was broken. Thankfully I had my pocket knife and jimmied the door for him.
After I took a nice shower I rode my bike to find maintenance to repair the door. The gentleman couldn't get the door open themselves and swore they would fix it.
Later that evening the door was still broken. So, to help my little buddy out, I taped the latch so he could get in as he needed (frequently). I wrote on the tape, as not to ruin the door, "please don't remove the tape, some of us rely on this restroom". You can see the residue of the tape still left from their shoddy removal.
Next morning the tape was gone and the lock still broken. At that point, it was apparent that they didn't care about the people camping there, so I removed the broken handle, and deposited the parts in six cans across the campground.
Needless to say the next day the doorknob was replaced with a functional unit and the marker removed. The older fellow was so happy he gave me some limes his daughter grew. Made a hell of a beverage later that day."

Image credits: ChonkyChoad

#44 I Saw This On Twitter Today

Image credits: @ndre3K

#45 Chaotic Good

Image credits: Ieatplaydo

#46 F**k Litterbugs, All My Homies Hate Litterbugs

Image credits: Loading3percent

#47 The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Is Improved

Image credits: BlatantConservative

#48 Clever

Image credits: dozkaynak

#49 Whatifclientsknowhowtoinspect

Image credits: OrderHot9771

#50 Don’t Break The Rules, Unless The Rules Are Dumb

Image credits: yeetman426

#51 Anarchist Louise Michel, About Her Republican Days:

Image credits: Lonely_traffic_light

#52 Row Row, Fight The Power

Image credits: BlatantConservative

#53 True Chad Spirit

Image credits: andreytzigan45667

#54 Slpt: Free References On Your Job

Image credits: pjfrench2000

#55 Unbalanced

Image credits: NeedledickInTheHay

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